VL Print
Art. Design.
My name is Vince Long and I am an artist/designer living in Memphis, TN. Influenced by art and creativity at a young age, I developed a passion for the visual arts that stuck. With this passion, I was able to experience life through a different lens as I moved around with my military family. Always one to want to try something new - I choose to embrace a “less than traditional” approach to making, and I refuse to limit myself when creating my art. This approach reflects itself in my maximalist approach to mixed media art.
This website is a landing spot for my work, both current and past. I wanted a place that could showcase the work, but also a place that I could deep dive into the pieces from a conceptual approach. These pages will (hopefully) change and evolve into more over time, as I do truly believe this type of insight is good for both the viewer and the artist alike.
Thank you for being here.